We work with organisations who want excellent policy and procedure frameworks and positive learning cultures, because this allows their workforce to be actively engaged in development and use of policies, improves organisational compliance and enhances customer experience.
We provide 3 broad services:
Through workshops and masterclasses, we help organisations develop a learning system which allows employees and customers to identify, what good performance looks like, as well as, where performance could have been better and how to prioritise improvements. The system will be rooted in analytical methods which helps avoid subjective approaches to learning. We also focus on how culture and human factors can have an impact on the organisations abilltiy to learn.
Through detailed analysis, workshops and interviews, we provide assurance that organisations have excellent policy and procedure frameworks and learning systems and make recommendations for improvement where applicable. We also offer assurance of projects and programmes to ensure they are on target to deliver a useful outcome for the organisation.
Through workshops and masterclasses, we help organisations to develop a content framework which, is simple enough that everyone can understand and use it, whilst covering all aspects of the organisation's business.
Latest News
New partnership will put Elloe Consulting in a stronger position
We are thrilled to be able to announce that Elloe Consulting Ltd has been accepted as a reselling partner for CGE Risk Management.
CGE have a strong record in delivering riskmanagement software across the high hazard sector. Based in the Netherlands, CGE, has customers across the globe, including many within the UK.
Elloe Consulting have been working with CGE for four years, developing solutions for the natioanl learning system deployed across the UK fire and rescue community.
Learning Flood Resilience
Read our MDs article on how communities in the Calder Valley have shown that even small businesses can gain from embedding learning from the lessons that life throws at us.
Covid-19 service update
Unfortunately due to the need to keep employees at home as much as possible, and the need for consultancy to be regularly face to face, we have taken the difficult decision to put our consultants on furlough as part of the Government's Job Protection Scheme.
We still have an admin function, so please do get in touch if you need anything, or wish to discuss your current project.